Aug 20, 2009

Premiere of Top Chef in Las Vegas

Season 6 of Top Chef will have its premiere tonight at 9:00 PM. This show will be participated by new cheftestants, composed of seventeen aspiring Las Vegas Chef.

The highlights of tonight's show willinclude Tom Colicchio in a vest, one cheftestant thinking that shucking clams is synonymous with shucking oysters and scantily-clad Vegas dancers balancing intense feather headgear; now this sounds really fun.

Below is the excerpt from

Bravo's Top Chef offers a fascinating window into the competitive, pressure-filled environment of world-class cookery and the restaurant business at the highest level. The series features seventeen aspiring chefs who compete for their shot at culinary stardom and the chance to earn the prestigious title of "Top Chef." Each episode holds two challenges for the chefs. The first is a quickfire test of their basic abilities and the second is a more involved elimination challenge designed to test the versatility and inventiveness of the chefs as they take on unique culinary trials such as working with unusual and exotic foods or catering for a range of demanding clients. The challenges not only test their skills in the kitchen, but also uncover if they have the customer service, management and teamwork abilities required of a Top Chef. The competing chefs live and breathe the high-pressure lifestyle that comes with being a master chef and each week someone is asked to "pack up their knives" and go home.

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